new: discombloggulated and grid
updated: about: contact desktop, links, listen
new: discombloggulated and selected works
updated: about: bio, links, listen
august 2000
new: discombloggulated and search engine!
july 2000
new: discombloggulated: lots more blogs
updated: about: about, desktop, blogs/rings
june 2000
new: discombloggulated: lots more blogs
updated: about: desktop, contact, links
may 2000
new: discombloggulated
april 2000
new: discombloggulated: 000426
omegabet: zygote
updated: about: desktop
march 2000
new: omegabet: xenomania, yellow
february 2000
new: omegabet: viral, watershed
december 1999
new: omegabet: teeth, umbilicus
updated: about: desktop
november 1999
new: omegabet: rialto, scythian defiance
updated: about: desktop
september 1999
new: about: desktop
dante woo in the news: fierce.com's fierce pick of the day
featured in nightcharm.com's "cream"
august 1999
new: omegabet: prince edward island, quiet
updated: ars poetica: still
about: links, rings
july 1999
new: omegabet: joint, kiss, living, macho, nervosa, onomatopoetic
about: about
updated: ars poetica: of, through, still, but, remains
about: contact, links, rings