dante woo







ars poetica

viral: on the INTERNET, viral marketing is any marketing technique that induces Web sites or users to pass on a marketing message to other sites or users, creating a potentially exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect. One example of successful viral marketing is Hotmail, a company, now owned by Microsoft, that promotes its service and its own advertisers' messages in every user's e-mail notes. Sites that serve an immediate need when they are first launched seem to get the kind of viral marketing known as buzz marketing.

Everyone simply tells everyone else.
Both Netscape and Internet Explorer provide buttons that Web sites can put on their site to tell users which browser they have specially coded for. ICQ, a service that tells you when selected friends or colleagues are also online, is an example of a service that can be made an adjunctive part of your Web experience; you can set it up so that it's always there. And it's the kind of service that is viral by its nature. Its users want to tell their friends about it so that it will be more useful for them. Zapa.com offers gizmos, which are customized clip art and other features that a user can download and use on the user's own site and also forward to friends. Zapa.com will make money by putting advertising on each gizmo.

Some marketing people prefer terms other than viral marketing. In his popular e-mail newsletter about selling on the Web, John Audette asked readers to suggest alternatives, including other terms in current use. Among those suggested have been:

avalanche marketing
buzz marketing
cascading style marketing
centrifugal marketing
exponential marketing
fission marketing
grass roots marketing
organic marketing
propagation marketing
referral marketing (borrowing a term long used in marketing prior to the Web)
ripple marketing
self-perpetuation marketing
self-propagation marketing
wildfire marketing

One reader suggested word of mouse.

j a n u a r y   a n d   f e b r u a r y   2 0 0 0 .

i hate that definition.

lohengryn says: let me tell you how I feel these days (even if you don't give a damn.) It's like I'm painfully wading through thick syrup. Inconsistent.
because it's cold here, i've been pouring on the lotion to stay moist and lovely. vaseline intensive care is still struggling to eliminate the spoogelike lotion scum that accumulates on the bottle's opening. when i look at that spooge, i am confident that it understands my mood of the last week.

i may change as i get used to urban dwelling, (i will change) but there are a few questions that strangers ask that i would prefer they know me better before posing:
1. how much do you pay for your apartment?
2. what's your ethnic background/where are you from/where are your parents from/what are you?

it's much more enjoyable in mexico, where they ask you things like:
1. are you gay?
2. how do you like mexico?

i am in the death throes of seasonal affective disorder. my senses of either self indulgence or self preservation are not strong enough to put me in front of a sun lamp every morning, so i'm just sticking it out. it's making me do weird things, like sit at my office desk for four hours on a saturday and get an $80 haircut at laicale that, while luxurious, is basically the same 'do that i walk away from socrates's barber shop with for fivebucksthanksalot.

the other day i was remembering thanksgiving dinner with pot, playstation, many facial piercings, many web designers, (briefly) jami, and hearing about dori's hello kitty vibrator.

i'm very fond of jami and dori, and, until recently, was saying periodic silent prayers that will and jami would get together, mostly because jami is great, but secondarily because i look forward to dressing a straight boy so that he looks just like me.

also, i don't understand what people are doing wearing fur again.

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