florentinians, except for my darling lapo, can be rude as hell sometimes. i learned this by visiting florence (firenze) last weekend con mi amica claudia. despite this, we had a wild and woolly great time, eating our way through ribollita, bistecca fiorentina, nutella gelato, and other treats. views from the top of church towers, buildings, hillsides that were truly beautiful.
we ran into a group of twenty random europeans around our age (that's a lie, they were all around 21) at a bar called blob (really) and watched them, within ten minutes, all get completely shitfaced. they soon left the bar, we following because we didn't have anything better to do and the bartenders were in foul temper by then anyway, and saw someone empty their dishwater out the window, i think aiming for us.
a sixteen year old briton named ed kept saying "i am SO pissed, mates!" and then threw up, and a cool girl named, damn, i forget her name, told me how all the americans she meets say things like "you're from ireland? i LOVE beer!"
in italia, sono la cena delle zanzare. claudia suggested that upon my return to the united states, i pretend to have lost my once-remarkable english-speaking abilities. i'm game.
posted August 14, 2000 in crap, delivery. 20022001