went to see lou reed (rock star) at idroscalo (manmade beach and park on the outskirts of milan) last night with some of the guys at work. where the hell are the gay people in milan? the ticket costs the equivalent of ten u.s. bucks – one of milan's many perks, in addition to the superb coffee, food, clothes, and men. it's a tiny bit lonely, though, not knowing people here and having a weak command of the language. hard to explain that to friends back in new york, who can't understand why i'm not ecstatic to be here – i am, it's amazing, but also weird. still figuring out how to become part of the city's life more.
i sure feel like an american, much more than i do at home; watching cnn (in inglese), reading nytimes.com, and listening to d'angelo mp3s can be super comforting after a long day trying to make out, decipher, and deliver rapid-fire italiano.
i have currency from three different nations in my wallet right now. wondering how i'm gonna handle all this culture shock until october, er, ottobre.