22 april 2003
someone's practicing his/her flute on a rooftop, i'm guessing southeast of my building. s/he just stopped and people in/on another building applauded. someone also yelled shut up. it makes me glad to be in new york.
what is it when you have a fucker of a sore throat but no sniffling? it's making me nuts.
22 april 2003
someone's practicing his/her flute on a rooftop, i'm guessing southeast of my building. s/he just stopped and people in/on another building applauded. someone also yelled shut up. it makes me glad to be in new york.
what is it when you have a fucker of a sore throat but no sniffling? it's making me nuts.
21 april 2003
i heard pyeng play at the knitting factory tonight. she dedicated the performance to nina simone and was right on the money to say that she's part of that continuum.
posted April 21, 2003 in musiclast day in the mission district
15 april 2003
there is way more protest art in sf than in nyc. last time i spent any time here was right before 9/11, and then it was basically manhattan with sunlight. now it's really a different city again, and a nice pace compared to home.
11 april 2003
i can't find it now, but the other day i was reading something where debussy was quoted saying "today's dissonance is tomorrow's consonance," which made me feel really great. the reason is you can take it either that there is a finite group of what's considered consonant (i.e., pleasing) that is constantly changing, so what you like will always be changing, or you can take it that as time goes by, more beauty becomes accessible to you. i like that.
off to san francisco this weekend. but i think i need diplomat hair before i go take this exam.
posted April 11, 2003 in musicmy cat SHAT on me today
the machine worked faster than he could think
when his neighbor man ray offered him a new rolleiflex camera, he declined, explaining that the machine worked faster than he could think. until his death, atget's sole instrument was his glass-plate view camera with a short-focus rectilinear lens, a wooden tripod, and a few plate holders.
- eugene atget entry, artandculture.com
is it necessarily an honor to have a shrivelled stretch of 29th street at broadway named after you?, i thought as i saw "vincent peale way" on the street sign. because you kind of shoot your load once you have a street named after you unless you're martin luther king, jr., in which case one street in all cities is named after you, and if not, then that city is racist. if you blow your name on a crappy street, well then. also, i don't like when takeout places give you meaningless choices. the place where i can get rice and beans if i walk home from work, they ask if i want them together or separate, like in separate aluminum dishes or in one bulging one. it's the same amount either way, surprise me.
posted April 08, 2003 in art, deliverythis snow fucking sucks
-----Original Message----- from: yourmomma at whatever-whenever dot net sent: monday, april 07, 2003 8:32 pm to: fart at dantewoo.com subject: apr '03 commentposted April 07, 2003 in delivery
email: [email protected]
thoughts: this snow fucking sucks.
photoblogging on chrystie, stanton, bowery, eldridge, houston streets
why am i up at 5:10am? it makes no sense.