i'm linked on this site, burningfarm.com, along with hell.com and christ.com. -----
best things about today:
eating a good strawberry, drinks with the boys from work, and receiving a gift from a dantewoo.com fan. check out the subtle redesign in progress, and tell me what you think.
posted June 29, 2000 in deliverymilan
the boss is sending me to milan for four months, woo hoo!
scooped-out hole in the beach where information from the Cybersphere wells up like seawater
"Miniaturization was the big theme in the first age of computers: rising power, falling prices, computers for everybody. Theme of the Second Age now approaching: computing transcends computers. Information travels through a sea of anonymous, interchangeable computers like a breeze through tall grass. A dekstop computer is a scooped-out hole in the beach where information from the Cybersphere wells up like seawater."
posted June 22, 2000 in printwithout fail,
every carbonated thing opened in my apartment explodes.
posted June 19, 2000 in deliverybjorkspotting
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brunch with jami at cafe habana yesterday; as always, we have plenty of serious and fru-fru conversation spilling out as soon as we see each other. the restaurant, whenever i walk by, has a kind of wallpaper motif going: beautiful, sweaty people eating cuban food (tailored for nolita) in a slummin' cafe that still says "italian pastries" on the tin awning outside. the service is sexy and terrible, and the food is delicious and overpriced. two cute boys are facing us as we walk in, but it's not until i've made eyes at them, tried to smile shyly, and settled into my seat do i turn around and see that they're eating with a friend/colleague of mine. this city is too goddamn small. | |||||
jami walked by cafe colonial and saw |
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eating there. then after we ate and i was in | |||
the bathroom, |
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walked by and i missed her again. this was clearly unacceptable, so | |||
we very coolly (we're still new yorkers, no matter how famous and neat she is) chased her down prince street until i (jami was slowing and snickering at me by this point) caught up, calmly | |||||
walked by, stuttered "excuse me," and passed |
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. she was wearing an emerald green | |||
leather dress and outlandish shoes that she probably made; people who didn't know who she was were making fun of her outfit, and i briefly debated picking a fight in defense of her honor [not really]. | |||||
oh my gawd, we saw fuckin' |
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walking down prince street! | |||
oh my gawd, was i drunk last night. went to two parties and saw some people that were really nice to see -- classmates from college who are doing amazing things, like a dancer and artist-in-residence at a public school in brooklyn. everyone asked me about my job, it's fine, talked about the recent breakup instead, until i had thoroughly bored everyone. then went to next party, red square, penthouse, fancy, nice and cool outside, charming aussies to tell my celebrity-sighting story too. it was one of those nights when i had one, and only one, interesting thing to say, and i said it to everyone i ran into. we compared celebrity sightings and smiled at their eclecticism; for example, mine: | |||||
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gilbert gotfried (for non-americans, the host of usa's up all night) | tony bennett (chinese new year in chinatown) | milla jovovich (toweling off her hair outside a west village boutique) |
and now, björk.
when i get back from the grocery store, i have to sneak a taste of half the stuff i bought. weird. even vitamins, i have to take them immediately. what do you do when a friend starts a weblog, and it not only sucks, but is kind of scary? smile politely? change the subject? stop returning emails? is this a taboo subject?
[email protected]
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:47:12 -0500
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
To: <heart>
The original message was received at Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:47:09 -0500 from 1Cust120.tnt10.nyc3.da.uu.net []
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
<[email protected]>
----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to smtp.totalise.co.uk.:
>>> RCPT To:<[email protected]>
<<< 550 <[email protected]> ... Refused to relay on behalf of <[email protected]> 550 <[email protected]>... User unknown
Reporting-MTA: dns; mocha.propagation.net
Received-From-MTA: DNS; 1Cust120.tnt10.nyc3.da.uu.net
Arrival-Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:47:09 -0500
Final-Recipient: RFC822; [email protected]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS; smtp.totalise.co.uk
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 <[email protected]> ... Refused to relay on behalf of
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 21:47:12 -0500
Subject: Re: contact
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 22:47:08 -0400
From: dante woo <heart>
To: "Not Screwball (I'm so clever)" <[email protected]>
References: 1
thanks for the message and very kind words. i can :) :( ;-) and my favorite, :D with the best of them, and am most of all glad to be building an accessible site. pikachu is irony and i had to remove it today when i went to a client meeting on wall street, but rest assured i'll find something else equally inappropriate to replace it.
many of you brits have analyzed my site along freudian lines, which makes me think that i should read some of his work. not a single psychology course in this noodle so far. when art is done well, it often looks a lot like nature. an english teacher once said that and i remembered. take care and come back soon.
dante woo
original content by dante woo.
oooh, you're too young to
say you're through with love!
we are siamese if you don't please.
"Not Screwball (I'm so clever)" wrote:
> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> Not Screwball (I'm so clever) ([email protected]) on Friday, June 9, 2000 at 10:19:17
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> occupation: Student
> citystate: Southampton
> country: England
> website: msdn.microsoft.com actually (sexy huh?)
> direction: ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . ... . . .
> comment: ......well actually I wanted to order a Daewoo but my fingers slipped. OK, enough banality, this whole site's a nice idea but is it original? Every time I see a nice original ideaI cuss because it's one less thing for me to pioneer. This however I don't feel any need to do. You (i.e. the site) don't look like you need help. It's a testament to your work that people of all orientations can read it and it's far and away the best diary I've seen (but then with some people you can see their formatting tags. There should be a smiley emoticon here but I can see you're not an emoticon person.)I came here to pray that your Pikachu desktop wallpaper is clever irony (maybe you'll flame me for thinking it could possibly be/be otherwise.) I'd better leave now before I run round in circles of ever-increasing introspection, which seems to plague me.
> P.S. You might not think that your site illustrates the symbiosis between id and superego, and the extreme polarisation between the activities of the two, or that art itself is an absraction, almost a mistake of nature, wholly seperate (in origin at least) from the more primitive drives that form the bulk of this site's material. I do though.(Yes, pretentious bastard, but I wanted your feedback.)There should be a smiley emoticon here but I can see you're not an emoticon person.
> P.P.S. Make this text box bigger.
> mailing_list: add me to the mailing list!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
spy tv
thank you to all my new acquaintances in the united kingdom. spy tv did a documentary on techno-voyeurism and online diarism, gave me fifteen minutes of obscure fame, and in about a month i'll get to actually see what all the fuss is about (being in new yawk citay, there's no demi-insurgent television like channel four, unless you count robin byrd). i will slowly but surely get to all of those kind, engaging, europeanly-polite messages. for example (i use this because i tried to write the bloke back, but his email didn't work and i'm hoping he reads this and re-emails):
... saw your site mentioned on the C4 show, thought I'd check it out..... very nice. Your sense of design for web pages is great, the cotemporary look to the site adds a whole esoteric direction. Anyway, I digress, Great site great bod ;-) . Enjoy. ...i'm such a sucker for good manners, especially when flirting.
i need to change the sorry state of links. any proposals for consideration are welcome, right here. there's a big lightning storm outside, and lots of warm rain that i walked, than sprinted through. good friends and air conditioning saved what was left of the sh*tty weekend.
i don't speak the language, but find this oddly compelling.
posted June 11, 2000 in delivery, film, performancedisidentifications
check out what's on my desktop these days. i'd like to applaud my employer for allowing me to show such frivolity on an office laptop.
and thank you, rHEio, for the sweet sweet gift! disidentifications: queers of color and the performance of politics, by josé esteban muñoz. quick review:
"Demonstrating a thoughtful and acutely pushy intellect, Muñoz topsposted June 08, 2000 in delivery, politics, print(editor's note: heh. she said 'tops')
a new generation of identity theorists. Disidentifications beautifully describes transformative performances of sexuality and race in ways that reverberate dramatically, further transforming the conditions of possibility for those who encounter the text, its world of pleasures, images, and analyses. The sheer value of this archive of Queer world-making acts cannot be underestimated: as citation keeps the films, performances, and texts open and animating, queer commentary like this sustains resistance to and optimism against the forces of exhaustion."
- Lauren Berlant, Professor of English, University of Chicago
tomorrow night, i'm appearing in a documentary on uk's channel 4, 4LATER: SPY TV @ 00:20. check out the preview -- since i'm not in the uk, i don't know if i'll be able to watch it. any british readers around?
posted June 07, 2000 in delivery, film, performancewmsbg party
last night i attended the charming and seductive, like a quiet but kind of mischievous cat, dori's party in williamsburg. the last time i was in williamsburg was ... dori's other party, and boy did i (this time) get my ass lost. the highlight was seeing her and jami, looking lovely and radiant and just don't-fuck-with-me enough in her braids and cleavage, the secondary highlight was seeing cute, likely heterosexual, billburg slacker boys, and the tertiary highlight was hearing a dj on the east coast spin hieroglyphics.
on the literary front (i'm making up for a long lost time of not reading anything more substantial than those summary e-mails from webmonkey, the new york times, kpmg, and the industry standard that i subscribe to, more out of guilt for my increasing ignoramusisitude more than anything else) finished the hours (i just spent twenty minutes looking for an excerpt to quote, and i liked the book, but i can't find anything) and began franny and zooey (this pretty skimpy-looking book, and i might like to have a daughter someday that i name fran).
read about a huge insurance company's approach to managing big projects, which is surprisingly more interesting than it sounds, while listening to dimitri from paris's a night at the playboy mansion (tHaNk yOu, pItSy and sTuRtLe!!)
have to write back to this guy tomorrow, after his response to my response to his sexy site.