composting rules
the community garden on avenue b between 5th street (my block) and 6th street has a compost bin that accepts contributions.
do bring: horse manure cut weeds leaves vegetable waste (spoils, peels, rinds, cores) coffee grounds tea leaves and bags (remove tags) egg and peanut shells bark chips wood ash worms |
don't bring: meat, fish, milk fat bones wigs dog or cat waste cheese charcoal fried food newspaper oils glass anything painted plastics or styrofoam |
i just found out that the crazy guy who stumbles around this neighborhood is the artist that created the huge installation in this garden. there's a lesson about books 'n covers somewhere here . . .
a conversation as 2 leaves 1's apartment:
1. thanks for coming over.
2. thanks for having me.
1. thanks for letting me have you.
it could've all been yours! that does it ... 3+ years of zero commerce on this site, but from now on i'm posting big fat announcements when i auction things on ebay. like my underwear. if it had my writing scribbled all over it, would you bid on it?
posted June 29, 2001 in delivery, sexone of them will always be there.
packed my pockets with my handspring platinum and "things fall apart" and headed for wonderbar—if jami can read books in bars and everyone falls in love with her, so can i, right? wrong. because jami is smart enough to not work with, sleep with, IM with, or have brunch with every-freaking-body in the bar when i walk in. there's maurice and paul having their nightcaps, and maurice and i are looking at the same cute guy that i followed into a store a few weeks ago. then a boy that i went on a few dates with walks in. i'm a good ex (also he's looking really cute tonight), so i buy him a corona and we get to chatting. he tells me about the two guys he was dating for a while, and how he liked both of them but it was too much work to go on dates with both of them, so he broke up with both. this may sound odd to you if you're not a new yorker, but it happens all the time. then a girl that i worked with two years ago rolls up and we do the niceties: how are you, what's new, you look great, glad you're enjoying new job/unemployment, then a guy that i hung out with platonically once shows up after a busted visit to beige at bowery bar. everyone should know that that night sucks there, that it's all full of eurotrash assholes or, and trust me on this one, a trick that you don't care to run into. one of them will always be there.
posted June 26, 2001 in delivery, sexwhy i have no pride
the reason why, since people asked, isn't some
why-does-our-community-have-to-appear-in-leather-and-drag-when-this-is-the-only-time-straight- people-look-at-us-and- all-we-want-is-respect-blah- blah-blah. don't most people reach a certain age where they'd rather be left alone than "respected" anyway? my beef is more about how at the same time that pride (and how most of the booths and floats now are for altoids or websites or bars, and how people decide to hold hands for one day only, and how the more pride i see the more it feels like a celebration of boringness) makes me not like being gay, there's parts of it (seeing same-sex couples pushing strollers or carrying babies, other happy couples of all stripes) that make me just a little bit jealous.
a definite must-see
princess and the warrior: haunting and beautiful and painful and usually all three at the same time. a definite must see, according to dante woo.
posted June 23, 2001 in delivery, filmi hate pride
have i mentioned lately that i hate pride? because i do.
posted June 21, 2001 in deliveryart begets violence
sold hotly-bid banana yoshimoto novel today on ebay, which was exciting. when people are bidding against each other for something you have, you can almost pretend that they're fighting over you. watched pyramid song video on mtv2 and thought violence definitely begets violence, and maybe art begets art if this song makes me get off my comfortable couch and write or sing or make something, but could one beget the other in addition to begetting more of the same? or maybe i just wanted an excuse to use the word "beget" over and over in one sentence. another unused domain name: google gives us 3 search results for "violence begets art," but none for "art begets violence," which is, i guess, the scariest one of all four.
went to see morplay and velvet mafia at homocorps last night, snagged flier for fringe pride on tuesday. i hate pride, but this event will hopefully be different. can't stop listening to beta band. shaved all my hair off for the summer heat. still not reading enough.
posted June 17, 2001 in art, delivery, music, printdishabille
sweatiness, wifebeater, cheap red plaid ugly old navy shorts that said they were 32" waist but completely slide off my ass (unless i'm skinnier
now) as i'm walking down avenue a. following guys into stores just because they're cute. discover that me and the owner of the record store on my block have a friend in common.
buy radiohead tickets for liberty state park, yeah baby!! update jami's site as she's in prague. buy wiry steel furniture for my kitchen and living room. tompkins square park to people watch and read a little bit. summer ruts, and a woman outside my building comments on my pants falling down and wants to have a big conversation about it:
her: your pants are falling down
me (carrying shelves in, both hands occupied): yeah, i know, i thought they'd fit
her: you thought they'd fit? they're not yours?
me: well, they said they were my size at the store.
her: they're not your size.
i'm responsible
posted jami's first entry from prague to it's hot and sticky in new york, plus the place where i work is on the verge of bankruptcy–everyone is in a bad mood as we drink beers at naked lunch after work. i remember one accident-prone summer i spent in hawaii: i fell out of my bed onto the tv stand and scratched myself up, i got a rash on my hands from making limeade, and stepped on a badge with the pin exposed when i was wading in the ocean. at first i thought i'd stepped on some coral, or maybe gotten stung, but when i removed it, it was a mothers against drunk driving (MADD) pin that said "i'm responsible."
posted June 15, 2001 in deliveryque lindo
- heard from jami fresh off the plane in prague
- went to house party in williamsburg with rent boy who puked at the door (rats scurried away everywhere we walked. so big, you can't even get scared about it because they're more like people than pests. i suppose you just get over it, depending on in what neighborhood you live)
- received e-mail request to return a cockring to its owner
- walked down the street and a guy walked by me and said "que lindo"
- 1, 2, 3 puffs and stoned—who knew my work mentor had such good weed?
- 3 latinos in my apartment in the last 2 weeks and i wasn't been hooking up with any of them (damn those foxy cable and phone technicians)
- bought vintage porn on ebay
- got digital cable. right now i'm watching a clockwork orange while listening to coldplay, IM-ing with a friend in denver, and updating this site. my wallpaper life has just begun, but maybe now i can start blogging about television shows just like everyone else.
hunger site, click. breast cancer site, click., click .. holy shit, auction for tickets to the new york concerts!
and i saw moby tugging furniture down the street today.
1: yo, why u fuck around so much?
2: because it's fun and i can.
1: i bet you don't even recognize half the guys that've fucked you.
2: yes i do. i remember them forever.
just went through and titled each month from the blogs. i want them to be more like chapters than unread archives; gotta figure out how to display them on the new homepage and navigation.
posted June 06, 2001 in delivery, sexs, d, r 'n r
jami's party was great for a few reasons:
- sex
(super cute messy gay boy that i could only smile at from across the room and then say "you're so cute" in his ear as i bent down to grab my jacket and leave. he smiled and said "thanks".) - drugs
(i never do very much, just enough to make me loosey goosey and happy and horny and confident and gregarious. but there was also champagne and chambourd, and some-times there's nothing like a girl drink.) -
rock 'n roll
(well, more like house. but lots of great people, like jami and sunil (spinning and bartending both), fani wearing a phallic balloon headdress, michael who invited me to his opening which i missed darn it, sabil talking about her fascination with latino porn, catherine and her cute roommate who i thought was her boyfriend before jami corrected me, veronica who complimented my haircut, sara, bethany whose url ugh i couldn't remember until her kind email helped me out, swerdloff who apparently i met but didn't know it was him a la dori and my first acquaintance, coco, heath, and on and on and on. back to the rock 'n roll subtheme, i also was able to buy the radiohead album 3 days early at the scuzzy but great book/record store on tompkins square as i staggered home with maurice.)
bday recap
my birthday party was great for a few reasons:
- at wonder bar, thanks to john, the lovely owner
- many friends from all walks of my life and times in new york (and a few from beyond that)
- friends that i don't get to see hardly ever
- friends that i work with and see all the time, in a different and better context
- people saying nice things about me
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