this site was just on mtv??
i was planning to write some real entries, but hold on a sec—this site was just on mtv?? if you saw it, holla back (and tell me how—i'm still not quite sure what i was doing there).
posted December 31, 2002 in crap, delivery, sexposted December 21, 2002 in music
brushed up
it feels nice to visit someone's site and then when you look at your referrer logs, someone visited you from their site at the same time. it's almost like you brushed up against them and smiled and were polite.
the party was good. very good. i live on the 5th floor, and my neighbor on the ground floor commented on it this morning, it was that good. lots of people that i was glad to see, nothing was broken, phone numbers were exchanged, fours were twentied, i got my tattoo touched, and at least one pair made out in my kitchen when nobody was looking.
are you
some things no man can resist (blogging).
posted December 05, 2002 in deliverybad influence
one message in my inbox this morning when i arrived at work: subject line: bad influence. message body: you are. from a friend. the morning after getting stoned can be a doozy, especially when it's one where you have to go to work and be a grown-up. interviewed a friend for a job, so we mostly gossipped, then went to visit another friend at his lovely, cubicle-free office while he's visiting from madrid. we went to a cafe called "restaurant" and walked in right behind a guy that i'd hooked up with a few weeks ago. it turns out that not only does my friend know him, but the guy owns the restaurant. i'm trying to be normal. later, back in my cubicle, i'm in a meeting with someone else and he keeps touching me while he's talking. listen to new sacred cow on the subway home and do what i've been doing every day this week, which is strip as soon as i walk in the door. must let tat breathe. eat, then pass out on couch, then wake up and stumble into bed (it's 9pm), wake up in an hour and flounce on couch while staring vacantly at law and order on tv. i've said this before, but it's immensely comforting that that show is always on somewhere. pass out again. what the fuck? wake back up, write some stuff, do some halfhearted bicep curls since i'll be in a tank friday night. 2:30am with mingus playing now. hello, "working from home" day.
posted December 03, 2002 in crap, delivery, music, sexfight the fuck
today i learned what "fight the fuck" means, and i didn't even have to have sex to learn.
the tattoo hurts but i fuckin love it. one quote from an rsvp to my party (from a girl): "yes! anything for pussy ..." so i think it stands a chance. also, i'm working on a short little thing that i'd like to submit to a journal and don't want to post here. i could use a second set of editorial eyes. someone who also writes or edits would be the shiznit. hit me if you're interested.