uh, "Tao longeeee!!!!"
one of his commenters nails it:
- joana angelica, 100% HOMEM BOM !!!!!! april 21, 2004
posted April 21, 2004 in art, delivery, sexPerhaps it's a close shave that's cock blocking those suitors.
Let yourself go for awhile and relax, studies have shown that 4 out of 5 men surveyed prefer it rough, real rough. Trust me, I know! Stop shaving now, butch it up a bit with some facial hair ... Make grunting and growling part of a daily routine, puff up your chest and stomp around, these subtle shifts in behavior are actually signals to other mondo man apes that you're part of their playful tribe ... Go ahead pull on it, don't be shy now, loosen that tie and unbutton that dress shirt a bit, shave your head not your eyebrows! Drop it all down a notch or two, put your leather bag away and go urban commando, rail against the corporate HOMO-genization of gay culture and boycott shows like Queer Eye. Watch wrestling instead, it's a whole lot gayer and sexier anyway.
- jockohomo, April 19, 2004
posted April 21, 2004 in print, sexblip up, blip down
In the latest bit of poll mania, Bush is leading Kerry 50-44 in a USA Today/Gallup poll and 48-43 in a Washington Post/ABC survey.
I could spin these numbers either way. To wit:
1) The latest polls are awful news for John Kerry. After all, Bush has just endured one of the worst months of his presidency. Escalating violence in Iraq and disturbing questions from the 9/11 hearings have battered the president and thrown him on the defensive.
If Kerry can't eke out a lead after the avalanche of negative headlines for Bush, how can he win the election? ...
2) Kerry's candidacy is alive and well, according to the latest polls. Despite the fact that the Bush team has dumped $50 million of advertising on his head, portraying him as a big-taxing, soft-on-defense flip-flopper, the senator is only a couple of points down.
- Howard Kurtz, "Numbers Game," Washington Post April 21, 2004
posted April 21, 2004 in politicsyou go to where the silence is
Amy Goodman: There's a hunger for more voices, a dissatisfaction with the media. You have this same small group of pundits that is on every network ... This small group of know-nothing pundits who know so little about so much, who just pontificate. And now they're wringing their hands, "How did we get it so wrong in Iraq?" Why don't they have someone in who didn't get it so wrong?
AG: I don't know. What I do know is that we should not be so unique. We're just doing the basic job that journalists should do. You go to where the story is. You go to where the silence is. You go to the people closest to the story ...
I think about Elisabeth Bumiller, the Times reporter who explained why the press didn't ask Bush tough questions on the eve of war in one of his oh-so-rare news conferences: "Because of the gravity of the moment," she said. Which is precisely why you have to ask the questions! The gravity of the moment is sending young men and women into war! That's when you ask the most important questions of the day.
AG: People across the political spectrum are very skeptical. Look at military families, for god's sake. They've paid the price with their loved ones' lives. More than 660 soldiers dead. More than 18,000, perhaps upwards of 20,000 evacuated, medically evacuated from Iraq. That's pretty astounding. We never hear these figures. More than 12,000 serious injuries. We never hear these figures. And they're saying "Why?" now. It's the media that failed them. Yes, their government did, but the government can only get away with it when the media doesn't challenge it.
- Amy Goodman, "BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER: A Q & A with Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman," interview by Alexander Zaitchik, new york press April 14, 2004
posted April 21, 2004 in politics, print, speech