sweatiness, wifebeater, cheap red plaid ugly old navy shorts that said they were 32" waist but completely slide off my ass (unless i'm skinnier
now) as i'm walking down avenue a. following guys into stores just because they're cute. discover that me and the owner of the record store on my block have a friend in common.
buy radiohead tickets for liberty state park, yeah baby!! update jami's site as she's in prague. buy wiry steel furniture for my kitchen and living room. tompkins square park to people watch and read a little bit. summer ruts, and a woman outside my building comments on my pants falling down and wants to have a big conversation about it:
her: your pants are falling down
me (carrying shelves in, both hands occupied): yeah, i know, i thought they'd fit
her: you thought they'd fit? they're not yours?
me: well, they said they were my size at the store.
her: they're not your size.