Q.: What advice would you give readers interested in starting their own Web art collection?
A.: To look in their cache folder. [...]
Q.: Which is the difference between the clones of the sites you made and the "original" ones?
A.: Copies are more important than their original, although they do not differ from them. Copies contain not only all the parameters of the work that is being copied, but a lot more: the idea itself and the act of copying.
Q.: In which way do you decide to recombine different software and "aesthetics"?
A.: A good off-line browser keeps all the original names of the files and the hierarchy of the folders, so, while downloading it, you discover the internal structure of the work; it's somehow like looking inside the brain of its author, and sometimes can be interesting.
"Copies are more important than their original: Excerpt from interviews with 0100101110101101.ORG," 0100101110101101 (via eyebeam reblog)
posted December 20, 2004 in art, print. 2003