only goddamn eels
...and what would you think if you were walking down the canal with tunde and kyp in the middle of a london/friedfish/sunglasses night .... when you came across the guy who fishes using glow worms for bait , and couldnt stop complaing about "only goddamn eels!" ... i can tell you this much... what you would think was exactly not what i wound up thinking... i was sure the walk would do me good.. i have been on this diet , you see, where i only eat foods that i am willing to marry the taste/smell with a memory ... which led me to bring these japanese ricecrackers [which are filled with peanuts] to the canal in the first place.... so i see the glow worm being tossed out from the dark , then splashing in the water...
- david, "completely surrounded by no trees," june 8, 2004
posted June 07, 2004 in music, printA.J. will soon be whacked by his mother
The FBI dispenses with Tony's Johnny Sack problem, and Tony dispenses with Johnny Sack's Tony problem (why do these guys always hide where people can find them? Tony B's non-hideout hideout rings very true to life, doesn't it?); Christopher cleans his own self up; and A.J.—who, if there is any justice in the world, will soon be whacked by his mother—finds a career in event planning.
- Jeffrey Goldberg, "Mob Experts on The Sopranos, Week 13: Anyone Who Would Do Five Years for You?" slate june 7, 2004
posted June 07, 2004 in print