this morning i woke up embarrassed because i was dreaming about trying to hook up with a girl and not really being able to. i remember being in a hotel bed and walking to the bathroom to take a shit but there was only a toilet sitting in the hallway. wait, i think there were two girls and one guy, all asian. we were jetlagged and wrestling and there were intermittent flashes of nipple. i had braces on and could feel the imprint on my tongue.
either i need to get a few more hours' sleep, or that half hit of ecstasy from new year's y2k in playa is returning to haunt me.
i tried yoga for the first time yesterday and am pleasantly sore at 8am while eating steel-cut oatmeal with dried cranberries and blueberries in it. can't wait to get to maine where it's on average 10 degrees cooler than new yuck city. does anyone else feel silly in downward-facing dog? don't think i can eat asparagus anytime soon if it's going to piss out this nastily.
posted June 25, 2002 in delivery