a first: i finished today(monday)'s crossword
ever since i was a teenager who, for some reason, got interested in his parents' health magazine back issues, i've been scared of getting senile. i remember one tip was keep your mind active. take classes, do the crossword, play chess, so i started doing crossword puzzles as a fifteen-year-old. i decided i'd start again this weekend.
my grandmother is finishing a long life soon, according to my uncle's most recent email. the subject line was just her name, and i assumed the worst. she's not in pain, but she's bedridden and can't feed herself or recognize people anymore.
i argued with a printer when i asked him about getting business cards, picked up a coffeemaker at the post office, wrote to sparky, got more donations (thank you) for the aidswalk this weekend, played suburbia in the background while i write this, got email from a long-lost friend, thought about grad school, then thought about therapy, read business 2.0 on the stepmill, downloaded agent k mp3s after hearing him/her/it/them at wonderbar while nursing a red stripe with maurice.
posted May 13, 2002 in delivery