sat in tompkins square park reading the paper with d. and jami, then jami and maurice, then jami and maurice and sunil. a fun time was had by all, and it made me feel a little bit more like i live in a neighborhood. so much of the time i feel like i'm surrounded by passersby, and that i'm one myself in this funny, noncommittal, horny little east village. sitting on grass while jami sips a chocolate egg cream, i read about wifebeaters (since everyone's doing searches on my site for that word now) in the nyt magazine, maurice languishes shirtless, with a bunch of people who live on lettered avenues, where they have to be a tiny bit less cool than they normally are, was good for our souls. and yes, i'm speaking for everyone's souls here.
then watched the sopranos for the first time. ok, i'm hooked, goddammit!
posted April 22, 2001 in delivery, print. 200520042003