art chantry: i truly believe that in the very best design the hand and mind of the designer is utterly invisible. by this very standard, the extreme stylism of my work is a contradiction to 'quality' design. however, i chose this path very consciously back in the early 1980's, when i first saw what computers were capable of. i quickly realized that if i continued on a true design path, i would be put out of work by a computer program. i figured that in ten to twenty years there would be only, say, 10% of what i was trained to think of as 'graphic designers' left still practicing. these would be the idea people that everybody else would 'emulate'. this is where i wanted to be positioned. the rest of the pack would be 'graphic technicians' or 'graphic decorators' whose job it would be to make things look nice for businessmen. i was right. it worked.
- christopher may, "interview with art chantry," speak up november 18, 2002
posted September 27, 2003 in art, print, speech